Pray for Amazonia Merch Amazon Rainforest fire #PrayForAmazonia T-Shirts
August 22, 2019Amazon Rainforest, one of the wettest places on Earth, is on fire
This Merchandise to support and pray for Forest Fire of AMAZONIA
Amazon Rainforest fire
That aint normal.Climate change is for real and our planet is burning up. Humans are the cause of this deadly fever.#PrayforAmazonia
Tuesday, thousands of people took to Twitter to share the hashtag #PrayforAmazonia.
The viral movement came as the skies above Sao Paulo blackened with the smoke from forest fires burning in the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Rondonia, over 1,000 miles away from the city of Sao Paulo.
Verdadeiro desastre’: queimadas na Amazônia ganham repercussão mundial
Acusações de Jair Bolsonaro contra ONGs também foram destaque em jornais e televisões estrangeiras